Systematics Lab


This webpage will contain all the code, data and lecture materials for BIOL 699, Systematics Lab.

Getting Started

To get started, follow the directions in the “Setup” tab to download data to your computer and follow any installation instructions.


Date Lecture Topic
1.22.2017 LONI log-in UNIX and Git 1
1.26.2017 HW 1 Due
1.29.2017 UNIX and Git 2
2.2.2017 HW 2 Due
2.05.2017 Sequence Alignment MSA Homework
2.12.2017 PAUP and Parsimony
2.16.2017 PAUP HW
2.19.2017 Models of sequence evolution
2.23.2017 Models HW
2.26.2017 Searching for ML Trees
3.2.2017 Tree Search HW
3.5.2017 Bayesian Estimation 1
3.9.2017 HW 6 Due
4.6.2017 HW 7 Due
4.9.2017 RevBayes 2
3.23.2017 HW 8 Due
3.26.2017 DivTime 1
3.30.2017 HW 9 Due
4.9.2017 DivTime 2
4.30.2017 Partitioning & Bayes Factor
5.9.2017 Partitioning & Bayes Factor HW Due

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.